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Prolifik 08-25-2007 08:09 PM

thats right, im only an......

JohnVroom 08-25-2007 09:09 PM

to hell with what noobs want I want titties and beer

Mini Steve 08-25-2007 10:35 PM

^^ X2 ^^

LOWTONEZ 08-26-2007 10:36 PM

I always have a great time wherever i go and i can not know a single person at an event, its a community and i dont think people want bs when they go out to have fun, and frankly if people are too worried then thats fine if they dont compete, just dont complain about it later. But another thing is that noobs are the kids of events and when others get older and out of the sport where are we gonna go from there to keep it going?

AyZe 08-28-2007 12:20 AM

Personally i would compete etc , but i would feel like such an underdog etc. Its not so much the fear of descrimination, just going with people that kno 10x more than myself, and have so much better equipment seems pointless.Signing up for a bashin.

veeman 08-28-2007 12:36 AM

first of all I don't compete, I particularly have no interest in spl. That said, I'm a little curious as to why anyone interested in competing would be afraid to lose initially. Do any of you think that the winners all started at the top? Most are just like you in that they had an interest in the sport, and decided to compete. As with everything else, they lost for awhile, but as their knowledge grew, so did their success. If I was interested in competing, believe me, I'd be out there at every opportunity to learn the tricks and get to know the's the only way to advance. My advice, get out there and jump right in...the sooner you start, the sooner you'll win or do really well!!...and have's car audio...not heart surgery.

JohnVroom 08-28-2007 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by AyZe
Personally i would compete etc , but i would feel like such an underdog etc. Its not so much the fear of descrimination, just going with people that kno 10x more than myself, and have so much better equipment seems pointless.Signing up for a bashin.

re-read what veeman said. You need enough physical and mental tools to get where you want to be. You dont learn by winning you learn by loosing. Frankly your knowledge will only get you so far then you have to acquire new info.
Loosing in SQ or SPL is better than winning to motivate you to improve

JohnVroom 08-28-2007 05:38 AM

^x2 I agree

JordyO 08-28-2007 07:16 AM

Did you just agree with yourself?? :cheeky4:

BobOnAir 08-28-2007 08:28 AM

First of all, you can't tell people to stay at home and watch cartoons and not come to the show.

I used to compete and now I support my friends in their team and go to watch and help out with their cars.

If you want people to come to the shows you have to make them want to come out.

So what if you have to offer an incentive to compete in the shows, if no noobs come and compete, then all you'll have is the same people at every show.

Now, it's not even the noobs getting all bitchy and huffy over losing anyways... as soon as one of the regulars or pros gets beat, it's all
"they're cheating" "rip the car apart and audit", and there is a situation going on right now doing exactly that,,, not sure if I can comment on the situation, but it'll come out here soon enough I'm sure.

With every "sport" you have to have new people coming in to keep it going or there wont be any events in the future.

Noobs should be encouraged to come and if making a new class for them to "get their feet wet" will bring them out, than so be it.

Shunning them away only makes you look like a know it all fool who wants everything for yourself.

Lucifer_Ghost 08-28-2007 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by fauker
First of all, you can't tell people to stay at home and watch cartoons and not come to the show.

I used to compete and now I support my friends in their team and go to watch and help out with their cars.

If you want people to come to the shows you have to make them want to come out.

So what if you have to offer an incentive to compete in the shows, if no noobs come and compete, then all you'll have is the same people at every show.

Now, it's not even the noobs getting all bitchy and huffy over losing anyways... as soon as one of the regulars or pros gets beat, it's all
"they're cheating" "rip the car apart and audit", and there is a situation going on right now doing exactly that,,, not sure if I can comment on the situation, but it'll come out here soon enough I'm sure.

With every "sport" you have to have new people coming in to keep it going or there wont be any events in the future.

Noobs should be encouraged to come and if making a new class for them to "get their feet wet" will bring them out, than so be it.

Shunning them away only makes you look like a know it all fool who wants everything for yourself.

I never wanted to make these comments in fear of starting a flame war but I agree 100%.

Telling someone not to come out and stay home and watch cartoons doesn't exactly encourage people to come out. I "get" where the comment comes from but I disagree with it. I dont compete in audio but that isnt the point. I play hockey at a fairly competitive level and can probably skate circles around a LARGE portion of the general public. But I never ever discourage anyone to come out and play (unless they cant skate .. then I suggest some lessons first :P).

I also find that people who will insult others for such things make their own comments moot by lack of credibility. If the best someone can come up with to a difference of opinion is an insult, that undermines anything else that person says. This has not happened here .. Im just saying in general.

silverbane 08-28-2007 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Lucifer_Ghost
I never wanted to make these comments in fear of starting a flame war but I agree 100%.

Telling someone not to come out and stay home and watch cartoons doesn't exactly encourage people to come out. I "get" where the comment comes from but I disagree with it. I dont compete in audio but that isnt the point. I play hockey at a fairly competitive level and can probably skate circles around a LARGE portion of the general public. But I never ever discourage anyone to come out and play (unless they cant skate .. then I suggest some lessons first :P).

I also find that people who will insult others for such things make their own comments moot by lack of credibility. If the best someone can come up with to a difference of opinion is an insult, that undermines anything else that person says. This has not happened here .. Im just saying in general.


Yea, not happened here my ass.

Lucifer_Ghost 08-28-2007 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by silverbane

Yea, not happened here my ass.

Well I meant more it hasnt happen to me specifically on these boards.

Its pretty common for people to flame and insult for no reason on message boards. Its an anonymous place where you can do whatever you want without anything happening to you.

Prolifik 08-28-2007 11:19 AM

this thread is too funny. there havent been any comments from any noob who has actually attended any shows and knows wtf they are talkin about for like the last 3 pages of this thread.

the reality of the situation is, it doesnt matter if i tell people to stay home and watch cartoons or if i kneel down and beg people to come to a show, 99% of "noobs" will still cry and complaint and probably will not show at all or not compete in the event if they do attend.

there are a few guys who would participate regardless of loosing. Fauker take your friends for example (blue crx), they are not the most knowledgable or experianced spl competitors but they still come out and compete at shows. they dont cry or bitch even if they loose or have equipment problems. Not to mention that they get better and better every time i see their score.

Killer_klown187 08-28-2007 11:24 AM

^^ Yuli, that comment is not 100%valid! i know that alot of noobs show up, try, at the very least show up and ask questions!!! However I know some of the "noobs" just sit on forums, such as canadian car audio and do nothing but complain!! Its always amusing, but how would you find a way to get noobs to show up and compete OTHER then offering the Noob class?? I know being somewhat noob, I show up and learn from shows at least!! and help out where and when I can!! this is just from my point of view!

NTOXKTD 08-28-2007 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by Killer_klown187
^^ Yuli, that comment is not 100%valid! i know that alot of noobs show up, try, at the very least show up and ask questions!!! However I know some of the "noobs" just sit on forums, such as canadian car audio and do nothing but complain!! Its always amusing, but how would you find a way to get noobs to show up and compete OTHER then offering the Noob class?? I know being somewhat noob, I show up and learn from shows at least!! and help out where and when I can!! this is just from my point of view!

Let me know what it takes. I will donate all the prizes needed to get these people out.

Prolifik 08-28-2007 11:32 AM

lol Richard, havent you been reading? Noobs must have an "incentive" - first place for everyone.

NTOXKTD 08-28-2007 11:46 AM

I try my best to make the classes so everyone gets a prize but it would be hard to have 20 first place prizes. I am going to have to start dividing people into classes based on the color of their speaker wire. Maybe even the size of the tires on their car.

JohnVroom 08-28-2007 05:07 PM

Frankly getting new folks to compete is always a chore, getting them to compete at the next show is the sign of success. Frankly the event has to be fun to do, they have to know what they are doing and when to do it, they want to be taught too, and it needs to be affordable.

Some of this is the responsibility of attendees (dont be a audio snob help the guy next to you) as well as the event hosts. Share tips and try things to get folks louder. We are a community of the socially challenged (take Yuli for instance... :))we make a lot of noise and piss a lot of people off so a feeling of belonging is nice.

Teams make the events fun, start a team and actively recruit to try to get a winner in every class. Again, this provides a feeling of belonging and purpose... rule Canada SPL. Challenge other teams, it does NOT have to be "if he is louder than me he is cheating", that is baby crap BS, so sportsmanship needs to be taught as well. Loose with as much class as if you won. On the other side of this point, strict adherence to the rules is needed.

The Event Coordinator/ head Judge needs to be competent on the microphone, he does not have to be a DJ but he does have to answer the 'who, what, when' questions. I like to do an update after first runs so everyone knows where they stand so they can step up for the second run. The show needs to be professionally run and not last too long (a full day in the hot sun can take the fun out of an event in a hurry).

EDIT: this is as valid for SQ as it is SPL

Audio Aim 08-28-2007 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Prolifik
this thread is too funny. there havent been any comments from any noob who has actually attended any shows and knows wtf they are talkin about for like the last 3 pages of this thread.

the reality of the situation is, it doesnt matter if i tell people to stay home and watch cartoons or if i kneel down and beg people to come to a show, 99% of "noobs" will still cry and complaint and probably will not show at all or not compete in the event if they do attend.

there are a few guys who would participate regardless of loosing. Fauker take your friends for example (blue crx), they are not the most knowledgable or experianced spl competitors but they still come out and compete at shows. they dont cry or bitch even if they loose or have equipment problems. Not to mention that they get better and better every time i see their score.

I am sorry but i have to correct this statement, My boyfriend has been involved with car audio and competitions for 8 years , Wayne and His brother had a Superstreet 1-2 Van in 03 and had their cars on the side as well. They did a very respectable 155.8 certified on the termlab. So i think we have a bit of knowledge and experience to back us up and our scores. Now that being said he is new to the street scene, and i am new to the whole thing. So really we are not noobs. Dont take this the wrong way , i am not trying to attack you , i just wanted to make things clear that we do have alot of knowledge and experience. Just not alot on the street level. and all the help we can get right now , with our Crx is great , because we are still learning about this class.. But all the help we are getting right now is greatly appreciated.


FrankB 08-28-2007 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Prolifik
lol Richard, havent you been reading? Noobs must have an "incentive" - first place for everyone.

make it like highschool if you show up now a days you pass
they do not want to hurt anybodys feelings :dunno:

SPLN00B2 08-28-2007 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by silverbane

Yea, not happened here my ass.


Lucifer_Ghost 08-30-2007 07:24 AM

I was thinking about this thread last night.

I have never been to a competition nor plan on it so I am not sure how the categories are set up now.

But, perhaps for the newer competitors, have categories by wattage? When the younger folks are just starting out (circa 17 and 18 years old), the available cash might not be readily flowing to be able to put in 3 or 4 amps or even 2 really big amps.

Just a thought ...

SPLN00B2 08-30-2007 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by Lucifer_Ghost
I was thinking about this thread last night.

I have never been to a competition nor plan on it so I am not sure how the categories are set up now.

But, perhaps for the newer competitors, have categories by wattage? When the younger folks are just starting out (circa 17 and 18 years old), the available cash might not be readily flowing to be able to put in 3 or 4 amps or even 2 really big amps.

Just a thought ...

They do have that in a different format, not db drag.....

BobOnAir 09-03-2007 11:30 PM

First place for everyone eh?

Sounds like a great incentive to me!! :sly:

By being a smart about it, you will turn new competitors away.

By incentive I mean you have to make the noobs feel welcome. Maybe give them one free entry or something.

ChrisB 09-04-2007 04:19 PM

Can a mod please close this?

I originally asked the question because I wanted people that either;

a - have been to a few shows and might going to more


b - have not been to a show and might go to one.

None of these types of people have replied.

It has either been people who have been to several shows, and it has also been people who have not been to a single show yet seem have an opinion about it about what happens at them.

There are several other misinformed facts but we will not get into that.

Someone please lock this.

JordyO 09-04-2007 04:21 PM

ok then..... :dunno:

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